Jan-Willem Böttjer

Jan-Willem Böttjer
Jan-Willem Böttjer

As a Senior Product Expert at Orbit Jan focuses on discovering unserved user pains and gains to defining promising business opportunities. His background in user research, service design and business strategy enables him to create user centered ventures from scratch. With over 11 years work experience with startups to large enterprises such as Philips Healthcare, Jan quickly adopts a strategic lens for each business and its users. He aims to create desirable, feasible and viable solutions with lasting impact. Jan holds a Business degree in Logistics from the German Foreign Trade & Logistics Academy (DAV, Bremen), a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (Steinbeis-SMI) and a Master’s degree in Strategic Project Management from the Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, as well as a UX Design certificate.

  • Researching and prototyping concepts for  OBI Next
  • Building a B2C food corporate startup from scratch and leading it into the early growth phase
  • Creating a marketing & business strategy for a personalised food startup
  • Designing a digital user experience for an open campus event for the University of Bremen
  • Productise a project-based business model for a B2B Telco
  • Leading design thinking and knowledge transfer workshops with several clients