Erik Schjøth

Erik Schjøth
Erik Schjøth

Erik is a Venture Architect at Orbit Ventures and participates in the development of our corporate ventures from a strategic point of view. He has previous engineering experience in the aerospace industry at Safran Group, both in Lean Management/Manufacturing and in digital projects (AI-based conversational agents). After that, Erik co-launched a FinTech company based in East Africa, providing mobile loans and Credit Scoring to local banks. Erik acquired skills in data science, machine learning and mobile apps, as well as experience in banking and lending. His varied experience allows him to have a holistic view on all crucial factors of building new ventures together with Orbit’s clients. Erik holds both an MSc Engineering from École Centrale de Lyon (France) with a major in Applied Mathematics and a Master in Management from Imperial College London.

  • Launched FinTech company in East Africa, reaching 7 partnered banks with 150,000 end-customers.
    Project selected by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency among 60 best African projects over 2700 candidates
  • Launched HealthTech company in France helping public hospitals gather patient data optimizing their annual budget. Partnered with Eastern France’s biggest public hospital
  • Created AI-based conversational agent for HR-purposes at Safran Landing Systems, answering employee questions instantly
  • Participated as consultant on Go-To-Market strategy for the EU market for an automated video-editing tech start up from San Francisco
  • Designed workflow reorganization process for plant manufacturing carbon brakes for commercial aircrafts