Alireza Shahbaghi

Alireza has a degree in psychology and has been working in digital product management for over eight years.
Alireza Shahbaghi
Alireza Shahbaghi

His entry into product development was founding a start-up in his hometown, Tehran, whose service was online assessment tools for personnel selection. Later, he worked in Hamburg in HR tech, logistics, and eCommerce as a Data Scientist and Product Manager. He has also been teaching quantitative and qualitative research methods for several years. He supervises research projects and master theses on personality psychology and lateral leadership at the Fresenius University of Applied Science in Hamburg.

  • Building a return portal for eCommerce enterprise customers that want to automate their returns process and improve their customer experience. (
  • Building a job matching platform for logistics personnel and nursing staff to apply to vacancies in a matter of minutes—Managing B2C and B2B portfolios, as well as the internal CRM (
  • Opportunity analysis for revamping the guest account and optimizing the guest experience for a booking platform for vacation homes (
  • Developing a SaaS product that has enabled leading Iranian consulting companies to digitalize assessment and recruitment processes. Providing cognitive tests and personality as well as motivation questionnaires applied in assessment and development centers.