Adrian Ewecker

Adrian is an associate partner and director of product at Orbit. He is an established user experience & service design expert.
Adrian Ewecker
Adrian Ewecker

Adrian is an associate partner and Director of Product at Orbit. He is an established user experience & service design expert. Adrian has been identifying, designing and implementing services and products based on digital business models for more than 10 years now. His work and deliverables are aligned with the principles of user focus and entrepreneurship. He also follows his drive for implementation in his own e-commerce startups. Prior to joining Orbit, Adrian been working as a consultant for a number of large corporations from several industries. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Journalism from Jade Universität and became a creative conceptualization expert at Jung von Matt Academy.

  • Conception and realization of a car subscription model „Smive“ for the financial institution Bank11
  • Analysis and conception of a new insurance model in the automotive sector for Rheinland Versicherungsgruppe
  • General and detailed conception of a logistics platform model for DB Cargo Logistics
  • Conception and implementation of an award-winning virtual reality game for the Elektriker Verband in Switzerland
  • Conception of a disruptive business model for „KfZ-Haftpflichtschaden“ repairs in Germany
  • and much more